To Sam’s Ex-Wife

ga_sunshine, I’m sorry. I know it isn’t my fault that she attacked you, but I’m sorry anyway. I wish it hadn’t happened. I wish you had never had to come into contact with her. I wish I could protect you from her toxicity. I know you’re a strong woman in your own right, but I love you and wish I could protect you anyway. *hugs*

To the person who attacked ga_sunshine and has threatened her and others: Just in case you’re wondering? No, you aren’t succeeding in isolating us from our friends and family. You can’t take away the wonderful people who surround and support us. You’ve succeeded in isolating R and G from much of that active love and support, which is unfortunate. We and our support network continue to love them and will do what we can to love them actively at this distance.

Don’t bother threatening others when it’s us you wanted to hurt, though. If you think you have reason to do so, call DFCS to report us for whatever you’ve created in your twisted mind. We’ll deal with it, just as we did the last false report, and be just fine—because we are good parents, and good people, and we have nothing at all to hide. Past or present.

Since you’ve asserted copyright to the excerpts I posted on 9/26, you’ve acknowledged that they are, indeed, your words. It’s good to know that you’re admitting that you did beat G and were otherwise abusive. I sincerely hope you admit, to yourself and your own support network, that you have problems, and seek professional help for them. Part of loving the kids means that I do hope you are able to get better in every sense and have a full, happy, peaceful life. If there’s something I can do to help that in any way beyond wanting it to be so, I encourage you to contact me to say so.

Current Mood: 🙁sad
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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