Tasks Via Yahoo!

I love the “tasks” part of the Yahoo! calendar, partly because it shows me what I’ve completed each day. I feel much better about what I get done when I look at the list like that 🙂 See, I feel like I didn’t get enough done today, but the calendar says that I:

Moved all the craft stuff to the guest room
Cleaned our bedroom
Cleaned the kitchen
Cleaned the porch
Got Katie’s RX refilled (Sam actually picked it up, and dropped one off for me)
Moved the jewelry chest (it’s a piece of furniture)
Made 8 business calls
Cleaned out the master closet
Hung pictures on the walls (okay‐I decided where to put them, Katie actually hung them)

I still have plenty of things to do, but that’s not so bad.

I’m not likely to get much more done today, though. A few hours ago I was holding a piece of paper (really! just one piece!) and suddenly my back went out. I took my last Ultram and a muscle relaxer, but it hurts enough that I’m still awake and all too aware. Dammit.

Katie’s been marvelous. Sam and G spent the entire day together since it’s her last full day here for a while. They’re at the grocery store now.

I still want to clean the windows, bathe the cat, scrub the baseboards, move the games into the guest room, move one bookcase because it doesn’t match the ones next to it, bring in the gaming table and clean it up, get the books and CDs arranged in their proper order, organize the shelves in the laundry room, and finish cleaning and arranging things in the office. I need to scrub down our bathroom, too. Then there’s a lot of paperwork and a couple of returns that need to be done.

If I can get all this stuff finished before classes start on Monday, life will be MUCH easier this semester!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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