sambear will be getting a Calliope for Gamemastering Secrets!
This is so cool!
Renaissance potters were nanotechnologists
faebouche, shadowkatt and sambear are watching My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I can’t stop thinking of one of my best friends from high school, Dorothea. Maybe I should call her.
I think the number of librarians on my friends list is getting to me. I suddenly thought, today, “So how does one go about becoming a librarian?”
There are just so many classes I would love to take, and they have absolutely no place in my course of study. If I take at least 12 hours, additional hours don’t cost any more. It is absolutely insane for someone who just got permission to have 6 hours considered a full load to be mulling that over as much as I am.
Love is not enough. It must be the foundation, the cornerstone—but not the complete structure. It is much too pliable, too yielding.
–Bette Davis
Yes, I’m suffering from randomness. Or you’re suffering from my randomness. Or something like that.
I have a tarot deck! Dorothea gave me one before, but I was living at home and Mom found it and got rid of it. It was a Rider-Waite deck and I didn’t feel any real connection to it, anyway—I didn’t like the pictures. And I honestly didn’t learn a thing about it.
But sambear got me The Goddess Tarot when he realized that I didn’t have a deck of my own, and that’s the one I liked. He’s so sweet 🙂
I also started on The Artist’s Way yesterday. I was surprised at what came up yesterday, and today I found myself extremely resistant to doing them. But I did it.