Quote & Geekery

To accomplish our destiny it is not enough to merely guard prudently against road accidents. We must also cover before nightfall the distance assigned to each of us. -Alexis Carrel We put the new hard drive in the server. We…

Friday Five

1. Laying on your back and facing the ceiling, which side of the bed do you sleep on? Currently the left. sambear and I switch sides from time to time, depending on how the furniture is arranged. When he gets…


I started to write this as a comment after someone repeated something I’ve heard many times about suicide being selfish. Then I decided that it was really inconsiderate in regards to the situation about which she was writing. Suicide has…

UFies List

There was a UFies post today referring to a post at a site I’ve never seen before, Aspectus, purporting to list 50 things girls wish guys knew. I disagreed with lots of them—so did other women. I also agreed with…

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