Star Trek Personality Test

This is the first time I’ve done in a quiz in a while, but it was surprisingly accurate. I had to absolutely guess at a couple of questions, though, because I’ve never watched enough Star Trek to even know who or what some of the references were about.

Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ISFJ (Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Beverly Crusher and Chakotay.

People like you are generally highly nurturing and caring. You’re gentle and thoughtful, but also cautious, especially about exposing your inner self. You’re highly protective of your privacy and share yourself with others as a sign of love. Once comfortable, however, you are quite affectionate. You also desire steady and unstinting love in return.

You’re very literal and maintain a high awareness of the physical world. You are quite likely to have a highly developed sense of spirituality.

You are uncompromising about your personal standards and easily offended, especially when you do not feel appreciated or when people violate your personal space. You are diligent and conscientious, organized and decisive. You respond well to politeness. You enjoy productive routine.

Your primary goal in life is helping people in real ways. Your reward is stability in your daily life and people who support your feelings. You cannot have friends who would ever ask you to compromise your values.

Good careers for your type include primary care physician, chief medical officer, elementary school worker, guidance counselor, special education teacher, and genealogist.

What’s yours?

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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