“Teach Your Children to Sing”

I came across the lyrics for this song while searching for something entirely different. It took some doing, but I finally got to hear the song and the search was worth it. I highly recommend it. The group is Schooner Fare.

words and music by Steve Romanoff

Somewhere between your noon hour and alarm clock setting day,
If you are lucky, must be lucky, but we’re all lucky anyway,
Set aside your routine pleasures for this most important thing,
And take the time to teach your children to sing.

Oh, you know it’s not like working and the kids will call it play,
And as you teach them, they will teach you, we’re all teachers in a way.
Set aside your routine pleasures sit together in a ring,
And take the time to teach your children to sing.

Now I know what you are thinking, he’s a dreamer, he’s a fool,
I can’t even sing myself, they used to keep me after school;
But if the parent is the playmate and the playground is your mind,
Take a lesson from the piper, kids choose music every time.

Before the fighting, or the silence that they find when they’re at home,
And when they grow they turn to battle, or find some way to be alone;
Away from life, away from loving, away from nearly everything
That gives us all our own good reason to sing.

No, it won’t take away your sorrows or be a cure-all for your pain,
It won’t end all wars tomorrow, or bring all the deserts rain,
But if we start now with our children, while we still have got the time,
They’ll be much less apt to quarrel when a song is on their minds.

Somewhere, somewhere, between your noon hour and alarm clock setting day,
If you are lucky, must be lucky, but we’re all lucky every day,
Set aside your routine pleasures for this most important thing,
And take the time to teach your children,
Take the time to teach your children,
Take the time to teach our children to sing.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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