Another Cat

Okay, we’re home. Yay. sambear is cooking dinner. realpochacco is on the phone with his mother, opening a gift in her telephonic presence. G is cleaning up a major olive oil spill she caused in the kitchen. I’m not sure where shadowkatt is, but she’s most likely wherever the new cat is at the moment.

Yes, you heard me right. The new cat. sambear has continued our downward spiral into being Those Crazy Cat People. Do you remember the stray cat I mentioned hanging around on our top deck, way high above the ground? He is now an inside cat. Yes, he’s ours. We cut off the incredibly-too-small flea collar (I had serious trouble getting one blade of the scissors under it to do that, it was so tight) and gave him a flea bath last night. In fact, we bathed all the cats for good measure, so they all hated us by the time the girls and I hit the road to drive towards Athens.

We’re just calling him “the new cat” or “new kitty” right now. I think he looks like a raccoon because of his ringed tail, but sambear says we can’t call him Coon because it has been used as a racial slur in the past. Naming a new pet is a Big Deal around here. Seriously. Consensus decision-making takes a LOT of time. And I’m going blank on further ideas for this guy, period. Alice suggested Dan’l Boone, to get the coonskin reference in there.

He isn’t particularly interested in posting for pictures, unfortunately. He’s a neutered male, not awfully big, of uncertain age. His fur is incredibly soft and mostly brindled with black stripes along his back, white on his belly. He’s very sweet and cuddly with humans. He and Shelley are happy to just stay away from each other, which makes Shelley happy. Mica and Moonstone, however, are NOT happy about his presence—he holds his own quite well against them, though. He’s very pushy about people’s food and will probably require lots of socialization before he stops trying to share whatever we’re having right from our plates (of course, he’s been living off our trash for a while, so maybe he picked us for Sam’s cooking).

We were trying to keep the cats separated, but this guy is some kind of door wizard. They won’t stay closed. Not at all. (sigh)

So—name suggestions?

Backing up – the girls and I did spend last night up Athens way with greyknight and family, so that we could help take care of goddessinga, Son and Little Miss. I’m not normally an early riser, but I do remember exchanging actual words (a few of them) with greyknight when he left for work before dawn—seems he was surprised to see Mr. K. C. curled up asleep with me, as he certainly isn’t the snuggliest feline in the world. When Little Miss cried a bit later, I got up and found that she just wanted a diaper change and more milk. The second time, around 6 am, the diaper was MUCH dirtier, so the changing took longer.

Now, last night I went off and left my sleep shirt at home, so I ended up wearing one of goddessinga‘s gowns to sleep in. GiG got up to take care of Little Miss, having heard her crying, and to her surprise saw what seemed to be herself already at the changing table with the baby. She helped herself out by getting more milk for the baby, then went back to bed. This time I took Little Miss back to cuddle with me a bit in order to get a bit more rest.

Son came and kindly zrbrtd Little Miss fully awake a bit later, so we were really Up For the Day. We got to enjoy their company and had the lovely unexpected surprise of meeting john666 in the flesh! He even gave me Russian Tea!

greyknight had to work later than expected, then he had some last-minute shopping to do, so we didn’t get home until about 7:30. We saw several wrecks and lots of blue lights on the way home, and I do hope that all of you are being extremely careful if you absolutely must be on the roads. I go to enjoy the port wine cheese ball sambear just set out as a surprise for me (it’s my favorite), being sure to leave room for the yummy dinner I smell almost ready. I’m glad to be home!

Current Mood: 🙂loved
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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