Current Mood: 😉ditzy
The Geek Who Understands You
Current Mood: 😉ditzy
The results from the latest QuizDiva quiz include a needless anti-fat comment (and one of the frequent misspellings, of course.) Sure you live and die for LiveJournal, but unless your 300lbs, you should really see the sunlight once and a…
Someone on the Polyfamilies list a while back mentioned having a plaque that says “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.” I like that. In fact, I think I want to chart it as…
Thank you, cybrcat: Love doesn’t just sit there like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new. —Ursula K. LeGuin
Current Music: I have no idea what that is that Katie is playing
DoubleSign Astrology If it weren’t for the fact that your Horse aspect allows your Scorpio aspect to admit a touch of self-deprecatory humor now and then, you’d have vibrated yourself to death with suppressed rage long ago. As it stands,…
B2 d++ t- k+ s u– f i o++ x+ e l+ c- What the heck does that mean? Get your own blogger code Current Mood: 😉sillyCurrent Music: Capercaillie
Hey—I forgot to even mention that yesterday I made my first batch of buttermilk biscuits in over a decade. And they were actually edible. They weren’t as wonderfully light and fluffy as the ones goddessinga makes, but I’ll have to…
Yes, we’ve had another busy, but very good, weekend. Current Mood: 🙂pleasedCurrent Music: Dishwasher humming and Sam tapping away at the keyboard
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