Busy Busy

Yesterday the kids and I drove up to take care of goddessinga after she graciously consented to allow it. (Okay, she was bullied a little by greyknight and sambear, but I did ask her permission myself!) We all enjoyed the visit greatly. Yes, I really LIKE helping to get the babies fed and bathed and so on, GiG!

On our way home, we drove by a house that I’d really like to see the inside of. It’s not too far from Gwinnett or our friends. The owners have it listed for sale and for rent in separate listings. It’s slightly more expensive than our current place, but it’s also bigger and in a more secluded area. I want to see the inside!

I also put in my resume for a job I really want. Please send happy getting-job-I’d-enjoy-that-would-probably-be-flexible thoughts!

Tomorrow afternoon A is coming over to make music! Then goddessinga and family will be arriving for the weekend. GiG and I are planning to attend Saturday night’s filk together. I’d love for all of us to go, but we’d be invading the hostess’ place with 11 people and that could be frightening.

We will hopefully see mique_mique and J at some point this weekend, too. And there’s yet another Girl Scout event on Sunday afternoon, and Trybalaka practice Sunday evening.

I’ve just learned that if you take a dose of Metabolife (my first) and then forget to eat, you’ll get really, really dizzy. Yes, I did finally eat, but I’m still dizzy. Yes, greyknight, I remember everything you said about it and I didn’t do it on purpose and I’ll be more careful in the future!

I’ve been experiencing inexplicable nausea for the last few weeks. Sorta like morning sickness, but not (no, I’m not pregnant). It’s annoying. But if you see me nibbling at crackers or something constantly, that’s why.

Current Mood: 😉ditzy
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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