
Well! We had Jackson (_starrgirl_ and rasilio‘s toddler) here overnight. He’s been here plenty of times before, but this is the first sleepover. He was up at 4:30! Well, he did have a full diaper. And he was very angry about the diaper change, but he went and laid himself back down in his bed afterward and slept for another couple of hours. He’s having serious allergy problems so he’s a little fussier than usual—poor sweetie. He talks more and more every time we see him.

This morning we’re listening to some Trout Fishing in America. And during “Beans and Weenies” I learned that the White Man’s Shuffle is encoded in the genes rather than being learned. He has stopped fussing about the TV being off, but we thought three hours was more than enough of that in one day. I had forgotten how very tempting it is to use the TV as a babysitter. He’s had several breakfasts and a bath this morning and played with blocks and now he and G are rolling a ball in the living room (we’re still working on the “no throwing things in the house” concept). But he was great about putting all the blocks back in their boxes all by himself, without prompting, even! Still, it isn’t a terribly productive morning. I’m remembering why it was so much harder to keep things clean with a toddler around.

sambear is just as incredible with littluns over longer periods of time as he is for an hour or two. Makes me think wistfully about having another one together even more. But I’m old—I’ll be 36 in November.

We gamed with Brenda again last night. That’s always fun. She isn’t really a kid person but she was a great sport about Jackson being here. I was really sleepy because I forgot to take some of my medicine, so it was a session that mostly focused on her character—not a problem and I always enjoy listening to her and sambear roleplay.

G and R took turns helping to amuse Jackson before he went to bed. Katie was sleeping over elsewhere and will be very unhappy that she missed Jackson. I’ll be happy to get my girl back, too.

Current Mood: 🙂happy
Current Music: Trout Fishing in America – “My Hair Had a Party Last Night”
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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