This not-flu or whatever is exceedingly tiresome. I should think it would be enough to live with the day-to-day stuff, let alone put up with this. Then again, nobody has ever claimed in my hearing that the world is fair.…
The Geek Who Understands You
This not-flu or whatever is exceedingly tiresome. I should think it would be enough to live with the day-to-day stuff, let alone put up with this. Then again, nobody has ever claimed in my hearing that the world is fair.…
Happy Valentine’s Day to all, whether you’re part of a couple (triad, quad, etc.) or not 🙂 Sambear brought home truffles and flowers! And iTunesiness! And then he went and cooked delicious steaks for dinner! My baby girl’s sweetie has…
I recorded some more pieces, but need to wait for Sam to “produce” them (clean them up and add appropriate music). One of them isn’t something I would have chosen myself, but Todd, who created Live Readings, asked to hear…
And so far, I’ve only lost one point in my Project Management class, none in the other class. That was due to a stupid mousing error—bad hands! Oh well, if that’s all my hands cost me this semester, I’ll be…
I am, in fact, still keeping up with Thing-a-Day! I need to go post over there, though. I do wish I could automatically cross-post, but if wishes were fishes and all that. I stitched tonight while Sam and I gamed.…
I have a Google Alerts search going for “fibromyalgia,” because if there’s something out there that will make this crap better, I want to know it yesterday. The alert brings in all sorts of nonsense from quack remedies to naysayers,…
Well, that’s what it felt like. Poor Sam had to take time off from work, because it was Pain Doc Day. The pain doctor is off in the wilds of Cobb County, because that’s where we lived when I started…
My creative time today was spent webmistressing. I tweaked some WordPress templates to work better, and moved more stuff over from my old site format to WordPress. It may not seem like much, but I always rewrite and update as…
Over the last two years, Sam and I have talked about moving elsewhere. Georgia has almost no consumer protections for citizens, has a crappy support structure for humans in just about every way you can imagine, and has law enforcement…
For my Sam A Marriage You are holding up a ceiling with both arms. It is very heavy, but you must hold it up, or else it will fall down on you. Your arms are tired, terribly tired, and, as…
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