Another of those wackos… Current Mood: 😡angry
The Geek Who Understands You
Another of those wackos… Current Mood: 😡angry
I don’t really have anything to say. I just wanted that song to show up in the Current Music thingy. Katie certainly thinks it’s a hoot. Not as funny as “When Cats Take Over the World” though. What is it…
Okay, I figured out the Xconfigurator thing. Finally. You can ignore my pitiful email, voltbang 🙂 Current Music: “Sweet Maiden”, Jamie Anderson, <b>Bad Hair Day</b>
I am now driving Sam nuts making him guess what I just put into the CD player just to punish him for mentioning Britney Spears. He guessed The Waitresses, then The Bangles, then Carly Simon. Then he said, “oh, some…
My dad called me at about 1 pm to tell me he got out of the hospital early this morning. He’s only taken one pain pill since the surgery and that was on Friday evening. He’s supposed to be at…
How the heck is it that suddenly the song “Hot Lunch” from Fame is stuck in my head? It’s been years since I’ve seen the movie, much less listened to the music.
Is this like losing your humanity in Vampire? I’m losing the ability to refrain from the damned quizzes? I’m only posting it ’cause I haven’t seen it before. So there. Earthly. Realistic. You’re simply down-to-earth. I’m completely down-to-earth! Find your…
If I weren’t terribly lazy today, I would be sending out emails for these two things. But I am lazy. I had another of those don’t-remember-any-dreams-but-feel-like-there-were-lots-of-nightmares nights. They aren’t ever restful. Hey _starrgirl_, this book sounds interesting. Apparently it’s been…
Do you have any idea, at all, how hard it is to refrain from doing all those quizzes? I try, I really do. And I’ve only posted one result so far that I can remember (that Enneagram thing). But this…
Is LJ having some sort of DNS or server issues this morning? Or is it sucky AT&T Broadband again? At first, none of the pictures would load. Now I randomly get “can’t be found” errors for pages that I just…
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