If you cannot write well, you cannot think well, and if you cannot think well, others will do your thinking for you. George Orwell
The Geek Who Understands You
If you cannot write well, you cannot think well, and if you cannot think well, others will do your thinking for you. George Orwell
Going back to this post, keeping a database of everybody’s book/video/music influences would be a major nuisance and a waste of resources better used for other things. You can’t count on everyone having such things listed in a profile or…
A friend who still does volunteer work with Freecycle mentioned that someone asked a question on the big international moderators’ list. Does the organization have anything set up to honor moderators who die? The question hadn’t been answered officially yet,…
I don’t want to lose this quote, so here it is. Using a vivid metaphor that acknowledged the scariness of the enterprise, she explained, “We have to find the courage to take off our emotional clothes.” Ms. Cook elaborated on…
I am an optimist. But I am an optimist who takes his raincoat. –Harold Wilson (1916-1995) Current Mood: awake
This sounds like so much fun! I would LOVE to go. A Prairie Home Companion At Sea: Alaska 2006 And a quick quote: Intelligent Design is lipstick on the pig of Creationism. Dan Neil, “In God and Darwin We Trust,”…
Loc8tor – I can’t begin to imagine how much time we’d save with something like this. I don’t lose my glasses, since I have to wear them all the time. (Ask sambear about how badly I panic if I wake…
I drank to drown my pain, but the damned pain learned how to swim…. –Frida Kahlo
The fingers of your thoughts are molding your face ceaselessly. –Charles Reznikoff, poet (1894-1976)
Literature encourages tolerance – bigots and fanatics seldom have any use for the arts, because they’re so preoccupied with their beliefs and actions that they can’t see them also as possibilities. -Northrop Frye, writer (1912-1991)
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