Where do you get your idea of what’s “enough” to do in a day? It’s one thing to just say, “I know when I’ve done enough.” But when you’re in partnership with someone else, you need to have a mutually…
The Geek Who Understands You
Where do you get your idea of what’s “enough” to do in a day? It’s one thing to just say, “I know when I’ve done enough.” But when you’re in partnership with someone else, you need to have a mutually…
What would I like to change in this next year of my life?
What are your shoulds? What are the rules that you inherited? If you’ve discarded inherited shoulds what did you replace them with? How did you arrive at those guidelines for yourself? I’ll share my shoulds in a later post, but…
Weird realization… I don’t trust monogamous people who have any expressed or perceived interest in my partners, even if it’s in the distant past, to be current friends with my partners. It isn’t about my level of trust in my…
And the thinking styles thing led me to thinking about MBTI/Keirsey types again. Actually, one of my class assignments due next week is to take a type sorting test and write a memo about my results. So I picked up…
Well, I did my medical terminology quiz today, and I think I aced it. We’ll see. My “foundations of TCOM” class was split up into three teams. Two debated the place of rhetoric in technical communications, while my team acted…
I’m working out some personal stuff here, largely thinking out loud. Please feel free to just skip right on. Current Mood: 🤔contemplative
I’ve got so many things on my mind that I want to write about that it’s hard to actually sit down and focus on one topic. I finally wrote an article that I’ve been threatening to write for over a…
Addendum to the rules for interacting peacefully with Cyn: If I have something negative to say to one person in particular, I will say it directly to that person. I won’t use a public forum to do it if there’s…
Life is ever so much easier when you’re able to think in black and white. There was a time when I was absolutely sure that not only would I immediately walk away from any partner who was unfaithful to me…
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