We were fairly sure of this right after I finally had my Social Security hearing last month based on the very positive statements from the judge, but I didn’t want to jinx anything. We got the official letter in the…
The Geek Who Understands You
We were fairly sure of this right after I finally had my Social Security hearing last month based on the very positive statements from the judge, but I didn’t want to jinx anything. We got the official letter in the…
Georgia Senate threatens dismantling of USA They really did, by a vote of 43-1. On April 1, but it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke. The resolution goes on to endorse the theory that states have the right to abridge constitutional…
I lost track of who originally linked to what, so I can’t credit them properly. But thank you to whoever they all were, anyway! Filed under “another reason I’m proud to be a homeschooler”: California court rules that private school…
If you have a Facebook account AND an understanding of the fact that “pro-choice” doesn’t mean, “Ohmigod! Lock up anybody who doesn’t want to have an abortion! Force everyone to provide them! Spend ALL the government’s money on them!” would…
I’m not feeling so good, so I’m mostly posting links. But they’re good ones! Marvelously fun toy: Killjoy Cooking With the Dungeons & Dragons Crowd Gays marry, world does not end
I detest ignorant bigots. And I absolutely consider the following hate speech. From http://glenysluckymama.blogspot.com/2008/06/fibromyalgia-and-abortion-possible-link.html: So like an HPV diagnosis in someone would almost guarantee that others would know the person’s potential morals or lack thereof, and HIV almost always denotes…
Teacher lets kindergarten students vote 5-year-old “out of the class” After each classmate was allowed to say what they didn’t like about Barton’s 5-year-old son, Alex, his Morningside Elementary teacher Wendy Portillo said they were going to take a vote,…
Months ago, I posted about Ponce de Leon High School in Florida banning the wear or display of any kind of gay pride symbols or words, claiming that they indicated involvement in an “illegal organization.” I later found out that…
Dr. Albert Hofmann died yesterday, April 29, 2008. Why haven’t I gotten one of those “urgent news updates” from CNN or the Atlanta paper? Losing him is certainly more newsworthy than most of the things they do alert me about,…
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