Procreate or else!
Ok—if heterosexual marriage is so sacred because it takes a man and a woman to procreate, those het couples had best be proving that’s why they’re married, right? Or at least, that’s the logic behind a ballot measure proposed in…
Aw, poor widdle terrorist!
I know you’re all torn up to hear that Eric Rudolph is miserable in prison. “Using solitary confinement, Supermax is designed to inflict as much misery and pain as is constitutionally permissible,” he wrote in a letter. No, really? That’s…
Planned Parenthood of Georgia Offers Free Emergency Contraception 12/6/06
From Planned Parenthood of Georgia: Free EC! December 6, 2006! We’re celebrating increased access to emergency contraception (EC)! EC can safely and effectively prevent pregnancy if started within five days of unprotected sex. Everyone, regardless of age, can get EC…
Have you bought emergency contraception?
I just read about it at Sex in the Public Square. I haven’t thought about it before, but what she says makes sense. If you’re a sexually active adult who could technically conceive, but you don’t want to have a…
In Dallas? Wear your seat belt!
Being hauled out of school in handcuffs because of a $50 seat-belt ticket was bad enough for Lancaster High School music teacher Theresa Dobbs. She had no idea what was yet to come. That seat belt ticket — the only…
Baptist Church Votes Not to Accept Black Members
By way of Rebecca Blood’s blog, more bad news on the civil rights front. The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal reports that Fellowship Baptist Church in Saltillo voted on August 6 not to accept black members. In doing so, they rescinded…
Bus driver orders black children to give up seats to white children
I feel like I’m stuck in a time warp. How could this happen in 2006? From the Shreveport Times, dated August 24, 2006: COUSHATTA — Nine black children attending Red River Elementary School were directed last week to the back…
A move toward greater freedom
Judge Rules N.C. Anti-Cohabitation Law Unconstitutional Of course, the state might appeal, wasting more of their taxpayers’ money. But at least the judge has the right idea! Current Mood: 🙂relievedCurrent Location: home
What is network neutrality?
From ResearchBuzz: “Network neutrality” (also called “net neutrality”) is the idea that an Internet access provider must provide access to all parts of the Internet without prejudice — without blocking areas completely, without slowing areas down, etc. According to net…