Critters, Fun Roomba as Kitten Transport Cynthia Armistead NewmanFebruary 1, 20092 Comments on Roomba as Kitten Transport I giggled so much while watching this video on matociquala’s journal that I had to re-post it. Share this:FacebookXMorePrintEmailRedditPocketMastodonBlueskyLike this:Like Loading... Related Posts Cynthia Armistead Newman Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher. Website Posts created 4266
Haha, that is so damn funny, it's weird how us humans find things to do with cats so funny! There are even sites dedicated towards them! Reply
College, Critters, Family, Friends, Geekery, Health, LJ, Medications, Migraines, Neurology, RPGsAugust 22, 2003 Friday Frittering
Haha, that is so damn funny, it's weird how us humans find things to do with cats so funny! There are even sites dedicated towards them!
Ok thats insanely cute, I'm surprised they didn't jump off sooner out of fear of the thing!