WordPress Upgrade Woes

Ack! I upgraded to the latest version of WordPress (2.5) yesterday, and now one of my favorite plug-ins (Now Reading) isn’t working! You can see the books I’m reading at the moment over there in the sidebar, and I can get into the administrative interface, but the library display doesn’t work. Any of the actual book or author pages come up 404. Meep!

It isn’t just on this blog, either—Fibrant Living has the same problem.

The WP administrative interface has been completely redesigned. I’m not sure what might have been changed behind the scenes, so I’m a little worried about trying to go back to the previous version.

I’ve posted messages in the plug-in author’s forum and bug tracker. I’m hoping to hear from him soon! Rob actually responded in the comments, and the new version resolved the problem. Yay!

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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7 thoughts on “WordPress Upgrade Woes

  1. I found your site through the Now Reading forum, and I’ve had the same problem. After a little research, it looks like it has something to do with the rewrite rules with Now Reading, and WordPress 2.5 ignoring the rewrite rules Now Reading is trying to use. For the moment, I’ve turned off the “Use mod_rewrite enhanced library?” option in Now Reading; you can access the books and library, the URLS just don’t look as pretty. I think a newer version of Now Reading may be coming, as Rob seems to be using version 4.4.2, but the highest release he has available seems to be 4.4.1. Anyway, just letting you know you’re not alone, and sharing my temporary fix.

  2. Looks like you’ve got it working! I see that Rob has 4.4.2 available as the main download now, so is that what fixed it? I have been waiting to upload to 2.5 until this was fixed.

  3. Thank you for the picture of Malcolm… *drool*

    I hope you get your tech issue sorted out 🙂

  4. I did, with some help.

    Isn’t he a doll? I couldn’t handle watching the last season of Buffy, because he was cast as such a horrifically evil character.

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