Particularly for sambear and selenite: LJ Community SerenityRPG
The Geek Who Understands You
Particularly for sambear and selenite: LJ Community SerenityRPG
I Stop Writing the Poem –Tess Gallagher From They Say This to fold the clothes. No matter who lives or who dies, I’m still a woman. I’ll always have plenty to do. I bring the arms of his shirt together.…
Anybody who is on any kind of medication or supplement should do their own research on it, because honestly? Pharmacists seldom talk to you about these things anymore. If you’re on more than one medication, especially, you need to check…
Actually, I read this and thought of hopeevey, as she is amazingly creative and more disciplined than just about anybody else I know as far as making daily time for creative pursuits. That means she probably doesn’t need this, but…
Seems to be my week for tech lust, doesn’t it? I’ve been saying for, oh, at least a few years now, that I want a damned good cell phone that’s also a great PDA, a good point-and-shoot digicam, a nice…
The girl woke up with a migraine. She has oral surgery today, so she might as well get all the feeling like crap over with in one day, right? Okay—I’d rather she didn’t have more ickiness on top of what’s…
SQUEEE! I’m not naming names, because she might not be ready for that. But I figure she knows who I’m talking to and that I’m glad to see her 🙂
You can get to other states from this site, but this is the one for Georgia I’ve already found places near the girl’s school, dance, and martial arts studios!
Space Weather News for Sept. 6, 2005 SUNSET PLANETS: On Tuesday, Sept. 6th–that’s today–the crescent moon will leap up from the glare of the Sun to join Venus and Jupiter in the western sky at sunset. It’s going to be…
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