Legs are still lovely and smooth. Maybe the waxing will be a regular thing.
I had a lovely, lazy day yesterday. I’ve been urged by my family to schedule at least one such day a week, in order to recover from being out and about and working on the other days.
I also had a very promising conversation with an estate lawyer about the situation with Katie’s trustee refusing to pay legitimate medical bills.
The day was ended with a nice little gaming session with sambear.
Today I have my first mammogram. I’m not looking forward to it, but I’m not freaking about it, either. With my family history, I should have had a baseline scan at 35. There are no signs of problems, happily, but a baseline mammogram will be important if there are problems in the future.
Whoops—almost forgot to make an eye doctor appointment for the girl. Her eyes are bothering her too much to wear her contacts. It might just be her allergies, but it might not.
I also need to get a new SD card for my PDA. The last one just disappeared. Fortunately, there wasn’t any sensitive or important data on it. Without it, though, I don’t have room to put the Readerware stuff on the PDA. I also need to grab a set of earphones for use with my sweet little MP3 player, as the supplied ones hurt my ears.
Tomorrow: more allergy shots for me and Katie and a visit to the dentist for Katie.
Do y’all use UPromise? If so, don’t forget to update your debit/credit card numbers when your cards expire. I did, so we lost quite a few months of credits.
If you’ve got kids, it’s a nice way to add a little to their college funds. If you don’t have kids, wanna help mine? It’s free and quite secure. I’ve been using it for over a year—no spam, no credit card problems, etc. You register your grocery/drugstore cards (like the Kroger Plus cards), and your debit/credit cards IF you want to do so. The beneficiary CANNOT see any information you enter—they just get credit for purchases of certain brands.
On the grocery/drugstore cards? There’s no need to give any real information when you sign up for them. We don’t.