Too Cheap to Smoke

curiousmay9 and I were recently discussing how much certain habits, like smoking or heavy drinking, cost. Both of us have family histories of families that won’t pay for things like college for their kids, but one of the parents is a heavy drinker/smoker.

I did the math, based on my family member’s habits and today’s prices.

Price per pack $2.19
7% sales tax $0.15
10% sin tax $0.22
Total per pack $2.56

4 a day $10.25
Weekly $71.74
Monthly $317.73
Yearly $3,740.96

Vodka (1 liter) $23.43
7% sales tax $1.64
state sin tax $1.40
total per bottle $26.47

Yearly, 1 bottle/week $1,376.45
2 bottles/week $2,752.89

That’s more than the cost of one semester at a state school. It could easily pay all the non-tuition expenses involved with a year of school. With the Hope Scholarship, that could mean that the student wouldn’t have to take our student loans.


Current Mood: 🙁disappointed
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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