Very, Very Monday

I was awakened this morning by a phone call.

“Cyn? I was in an accident. I need you to come get me.”

Hearing a partner say that on the phone guarantees an instant wake-up.

Thankfully, curiousmay9 is fine. Her car isn’t.

Today was a nasty, foggy, rainy day. It wasn’t pouring rain, but an intermittent mess that encouraged hydroplaning. She was one of many affected.

I called upstairs and gave shadowkatt the same kind of waking jolt, “Honey, curiousmay9 had a wreck, we have to go get her.”

Now, I was wondering why the heck curiousmay9 was where she was as late as the accident happened because she is usually at work by o’dark-thirty. She’d left home late because she was tired and the weather was nasty.

Traffic was still ridiculously heavy and slow, so it took us a while to reach her. The police officer was just finishing up the paperwork, though, while flirting with her. I can’t blame him, honestly.

We got her to work, then went ahead to the allergist for Katie’s twice-weekly shots. The library was briefly blessed with our presence, though we were reminded that Cobb’s libraries suck. Truly. Then we went home.

I managed to do some laundry and a round of kitchen cleaning, and was just finishing lunch when curiousmay9 called again. There was a problem at the rental car office, thanks to red tape (insurance company, etc.) So off I went again into town.

Now, when I left, I had about 3 hours before it was time for shadowkatt‘s tap dance class. I should have been able to get there and back with no trouble.

Except today, when the nasty weather led to a wreck on every single major road I hit. I am not kidding—I-20 east. I-85 north, then south. There was a jack-knifed tractor-trailer on I-20 west as we came back, which had been hit by three cars and another 18-wheeler.

The hour-long dance class was more than half over by the time we got home. It takes 45 minutes to get there, so the girl didn’t make it at all 🙁

At least sambear got the warning about the situation on I-20 before he got stuck in it. Even with that, it took him more than 90 minutes to get home.

Tomorrow will involve more bureaucracy and shuttling of cars and people around metro Atlanta as we deal with the aftermath of the accident.

I think the whole world should stay home on days this nasty. Just telecommute, okay? It makes more sense!

Current Mood: 🙁exhausted
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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