@*(#(*$ Textbook Costs

I’m currently signed up to take Introductory Spanish, Business Communication (which is required, though I really think I should be permitted to test out of it), and Proposals. The Proposal class got canceled (apparently the teacher is gone, gone, gone), so I’m switching over to Journalism.

The text costs for these courses are about $340 plus tax. They MUST have the damned new texts because they come with CDs and codes for access to special websites and so on. This is OBSCENE!

I may be able to work around the requirements for two of the courses, finding better prices online. I haven’t found any good options for the Spanish texts, though.

Now, technically, I have credit for introductory Spanish and intermediate French. I couldn’t speak more than a clumsy, badly pronounced sentence in either, and I truly feel that an educated person should be at least minimally fluent in one language other than her own—preferably more. (Programming languages do not count!)

The Spanish texts come to $150. That’s right—just for the one introductory class, $150 for books. No, they aren’t reused in the intermediate class. That takes another huge chunk of money. And since the second edition of these texts was due out this past fall, and is coming “real soon now,” it’s unlikely that the bookstore will buy the used texts, either.

So I’m thinking I’d best drop the Spanish. I don’t HAVE to take it, other than to suit my own standards.

The best possibility for filling the gap in my schedule without having to be on campus every day of the week is Ancient World Civilization at 8 IN THE MORNING!

Now, I was signed up to take that class last summer and had to drop it. I still have all the books and have verified that the professor is using those same books again. I need the class. I’m interested in the class. I’d incur no additional costs for books.

But taking that course means that I will be in class from 8 am to 8 pm. It’ll take at least an hour to get there in the mornings. I’ll be waiting for Katie to get out of dance class in the evenings, so I’m unlikely to be home before 9:30 pm.

I would have a 3-hour break between each of the three classes. My adviser and department head are fairly sure that they can arrange for me to have a relatively quiet place to hang out during those times. If I had a laptop, I could even do assignments.

But there isn’t exactly going to be a place for me to take a nap, and I’ll need one. Hell, I might actually need Sam to drive me to and from the school, simply because I doubt I’ll have the energy for doing so with that kind of schedule.

Yeah, technically, I only HAVE to take six credit hours since my disabilities are documented. But it pisses me off to be incapable of taking me more. I hate it.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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