When two of the best blogs I read talk about the same article, it’s worth my time to go read it. For some reason, it reminded me of d2leddy and wordcandlemage (side note: the two of you would probably enjoy each other’s blogs).
Anyway, if you don’t have time to read Dick Sutphen’s THE BATTLE FOR YOUR MIND: Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public Today, Pronoia did a good job of summarizing the article. (OmniBrain said he didn’t actually read the article, but found it interesting.)
BTW – I’m not recommending Sutphen overall, in general, etc. as anything but a guy who has written one article with some interesting points. I saw the words “astrology” and “channeling” over there in the left-hand links on his site. I found the brainwashing stuff interesting in a “Dang, that makes sense—ewwww!” sorta way.