Good Things About Moving

1) I’ve found quite a few audio CDs that had walked away from their proper homes. And that’s before entering shadowkatt‘s room!
2) I also found my DMC color cards.
3) It’s easier to clean empty bookcases.
4) The books I promised to mail to starrchilde a while back are in a box to be mailed now. Finally.
5) Since I wash all the linens as I unpack them, they all smell sweet and fresh when I put them in the linen closets.
6) It’s much easier to clean an empty fridge and not be worried about getting cold goods back in quickly. And since I can unplug the whole machine, I should be able to scrub out the freezer without as much pain as I end up with when it’s on.
7) It’s a great time to toss all those containers of personal care products that just didn’t work out.
8) For one brief, shining moment, the CDs will all be alphabetized again.
9) Similarly, when we unpack the books, they’ll go on their shelves in lovely order.
10) It’s a great time to go through shadowkatt‘s clothing with her and get rid of anything she’s outgrown.
11) In fact, I can just toss any linens that aren’t needful or are worn out.
12) We always find lots of dice when we move the couches.
13) On Tuesday night, we’ll all be going to bed with fresh sheets just after showering. That’s always lovely.

Current Mood: 🙂chipper
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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