Sunday Afternoon

I had even weirder dreams than usual last night. Seriously. I think I forgot my Effexor yesterday (must refill the med box today).

Some of Sam’s comments:
“When you dream about guns, you’re really specific.”
“You COUNT SHOTS in your dreams?”

And in response to my frustration that nobody else in the dream was doing anything about the monsters we were fighting with, preferring to try to evacuate a litter of feral kittens: “You were gaming with kids!”

Otherwise—for someone who doesn’t like to shop, I really, really want Ikea and Trader Joe’s to open local stores.

I installed NewsMonster, an aggregator that works with Mozilla. Unfortunately, it fouled up Firefox. When I finally got Firefox to open again, it was taking up WAY too much of the screen, so I disabled it. Back to the search!

We got Gaia Consort’s Evolve in the mail yesterday! We also got Chris Bingham’s The Burning. I could have *sworn* that I’d also ordered Secret Voices, but I suppose I didn’t—so we still have that to look forward to.

Evolve isn’t very cheerful. Sam wonders if it’s due to the Republican in office? If so, that just gives us even more reason to try to get Kerry elected.

I went through my jewelry chest yesterday (most of it—not totally done yet). I think shadowkatt has adopted everything. It will be somewhat interesting to see her wearing buttons I’ve had since high school. I didn’t give away all of them, though, so she’ll just have to keep trying to sneak those away.

Off to pack and file and play!

Current Music: New Gaia Consort!
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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