Papers Please/What Has Really Damaged

Papers please: Dudley Hiibel case
Web site recounting the case of a Nevada rancher who was arrested for failing to produce ID after a policeman requested it. The legal battle that resulted has reached the Supreme Court. Video of the event is available for viewing, as are many court documents.

An Unholy Union
by Emiliano Antunez

While the clergy, the faithful and some self proclaimed moral politicians watch in horror, same sex couples continue to line up at San Francisco City Hall for a shot at taking the plunge. As the happy couples emerge from city hall in marital bliss, many complain that the holy sacrament of marriage is being demeaned. The truth is that the once sacred vow was soiled long before the frenzy in Frisco began. The damage the pious claim gay nuptials have wreaked on marriage pale in comparison to the ones inflicted by organized religions in their quest for earthly power.

Marriage has been around in one form or another for nearly five millennia; by comparison, government participation in the union is in its infancy. In fact, it’s the passionate desire of organized religions to merge with and control governments that has led to the festive atmosphere on the steps of city hall. The only reason governments can actually perform marriages is because believers in positions of earthly power have imposed their beliefs on their secular constituencies. The separation of church and state has become a figment of our collective imagination.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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