I wrote a post Monday night and never got around to actually posting it, so I’m reusing some of it.
I haven’t gotten much stitching done in the last few days, but I have worked to reclaim the damaged piece and scanned some more things to update the finished projects and WIP sections. I’ve also begun collecting pictures of the quilts my grandmother made for a site about them.
I feel like I spent the last two days in the car! Well, maybe not IN the car, but I was out and about for far more of both days than I’m accustomed to anymore. I took advantage of Katie’s travel to take care of lots of errands I’d been putting off. One took far longer than the time I’d allotted, so I had to cancel a check-up. I’ve rescheduled it for after the New Year. I’ve been trying to be a good girl and carry out my own resolutions for the year by doing things I’d put off for WAY too long, like these medical visits.
My rheumatologist messed up the RX for my pain meds and prescribed Ultracet instead of Ultram. Ultracet, as I verified with the pharmacist, is the same RX ingredient (tramadol) plus acetaminophen (Tylenol). Ultracet is intended to be taken short-term, for acute pain. I’m supposed to be taking 100mg of Ultram 4 times a day every single day (that’s 8 total a day). Ultracet doesn’t actually have as much tramadol in it as two Ultram does. Acetaminophen isn’t a good thing to take constantly if you like your liver, either. So I called and got her to change the RX Monday, and drove to Lawrenceville Tuesday to pick it up.
A completely different RX has just totally vanished. It seems to be wherever the other missing stuff is hiding in this house.
Today I called another doctor’s office to point out that they’d gone and rescheduled my visit with her to tomorrow—which is a holiday. They changed it to Friday.
While I was across town, I got together with a friend who I haven’t seen in about a dozen years. Together we went to meet my new nephew. He’s a cutie, of course. So tiny! And he has red hair. Mom has only been waiting 39 years for red-haired offspring!
After all the running about, I just crashed today. I had nowhere that I had to be, so sweet sambear let me sleep in and drove in to work. I know that was more annoying than taking the bus, and it took a lot more of his energy. I’m still tired, and in more pain than has been usual despite the pain meds and muscle relaxants.
We had several invitations for tonight, but really don’t like to be out on New Year’s Eve due to the high number of drunks on the road. (Okay, I don’t really like being out on any holiday for that reason.) We’re going to spend the evening just being together 🙂
Happy New Year to all of you!