Compatibility Memes

I find it rather odd that sambear is so low on both of these now.

dwivian 60%
theferrett 57%
mfree 56%
jack_burroghs 55%
isarma 52%
tbrents 47%
ga_sunshine 46%
breklor 45%
sambear 44%
seidl 44%
noelfigart 43%
pickmansraven 43%
lysana 41%
polyfrog 40%
sir_alf 36%
moonstaff 34%
wordweaverlynn 34%
hlynna 33%
mrpsyklops 32%
crasch 32%
wandergirl 26%
crimsonblossom 23%
alice_bunnie 22%
kellinator 15%
ariedana 13%
hangedwoman 9%
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And an update:

sisterfish125 106%
rasilio 102%
lunamoonsong 98%
runeshower 95%
seidl 95%
sraun 91%
ga_sunshine 91%
riff_77 91%
lysana 91%
ocean_song 91%
uga_bug_girl 91%
semperfiona 87%
damiana_swan 87%
aladriana 87%
eilanwhiteswan 87%
ginamariewade 87%
keiracaitlyn 87%
mizmoose 87%
moonstaff 87%
hobbitblue 87%
hopeevey 87%
jack_burroghs 87%
wandergirl 87%
starrchilde 84%
redcub 84%
ariedana 84%
hlynna 84%
not_hothead_yet 84%
simplykimberly 84%
jenk 80%
myndsweep 80%
lavendargrrl 80%
kimberly_a 79%
noelfigart 76%
sarahh 76%
alice_bunnie 76%
wyvernfriend 76%
crimsonblossom 76%
freyjaw 76%
giza 76%
isarma 76%
blessedmess 76%
ladymerrydeath 76%
mamallama 76%
mathilde 76%
tall_man 75%
sidhe79 72%
alphafem 70%
elfgirl 70%
grizzlydan 69%
theferrett 69%
silver_hawke 68%
pdcawley 65%
slamarama 65%
oakdragon 64%
kellinator 63%
brian1789 63%
sassenach 62%
earthymamawitch 62%
triadj 62%
manhattan 61%
bookofnights 61%
mfree 61%
popefelix 61%
sir_talon 61%
sir_alf 61%
devichan 60%

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
Posts created 4302

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