Typing Speed Percentage Accuracy : 100% Percentage Inaccuracy : 0% Characters per minute : 473 cpm Characters per second : 7 cps Words per minute : 86 wpm Words per second : 1 wps Total Speed status : Too Good…
The Geek Who Understands You
Typing Speed Percentage Accuracy : 100% Percentage Inaccuracy : 0% Characters per minute : 473 cpm Characters per second : 7 cps Words per minute : 86 wpm Words per second : 1 wps Total Speed status : Too Good…
Um, tbrents—I know you’re really into your Mustangs. And obviously, you write. So you think you might wanna try your hand at this? Contract writers for automotive pieces for young people Oh—my parents have the girl for the weekend, so…
ga_sunshine, I got some Nescafé Frothé stuff, white chocolate flavor, this week because it made me think of you. I’m trying a mug full now. It isn’t Suisse Mocha, but it isn’t bad—and the idea here is that it wouldn’t…
Too funny, despite the bad spelling.
Dear gods, it’s Shelley’s song! Current Mood: 🙂amusedCurrent Music: “Meow” – Cheryl Wheeler
Morford is just too wonderful for words. Yes that’s right. Jesus is the Chapstick for the dry lips of your sinning self. Jesus is the holy Clearasil for your Satanic shin zits. Jesus is that amazing clenched feeling you get…
I started to just send this to sambear via email, then realized that there are quite a few people I know here who might appreciate it: Game WISH—weekly writing exercise for gamers Thanks to immlass for creating it. You can…
I think I finally managed to get filters set up to send 99% of those damned virus messages straight to the trash can. I just can’t convince Norton Antivirus that no, I really DON’T need to know every time it…
And the thinking styles thing led me to thinking about MBTI/Keirsey types again. Actually, one of my class assignments due next week is to take a type sorting test and write a memo about my results. So I picked up…
More interesting than most quizzes, to me. I think my results are fairly accurate.
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