I’ve officially been accepted to Southern Poly. My transcripts haven’t been evaluated yet, and they’re behind due to a glitch in a new application they’re using to automate the process (still working on transcripts for people who started classes last month!). But I did manage to speak to someone who actually DOES the evaluations. She said that my core credits will count for everything but math even though they’re so old. And my advisor MIGHT be able to get me credit for the math—so here’s hoping!
I have this math phobia, see (yes, I did get a 700 on the SAT math section, and I was on the math team in high school and performed well on it—it’s a phobia, not a rational thing, okay?). I took precalculus when I started school at Agnes Scott because it wasn’t calculus and I knew I’d already covered that material and wouldn’t have a problem with it. I easily to a very high A. Unfortunately, Agnes Scott uses what’s called “hanging credit.” While it was only a one-quarter class, it was part of a sequence that lasted a full year, and they don’t give out credit until the end of the year. So I had to take precalculus AGAIN when I was at Dekalb College (now Georgia Perimeter College). And again, I got a very high A. It was a darned good thing I already knew the material, too, because the teacher didn’t actually speak English as far as I could tell.
BUT—I still might have to take the class again at SPSU. I am going to be the best-precalculused person in the world who never flunked a class.
Several women I know have mentioned having problems with arousal, especially while taking some antidepressants. This stuff might help, no RX needed.
I could easily spend hours browsing Common Errors in English. Oh wait, I did! An hour, at the very least. I knew most of the errors listed WERE wrong, but I couldn’t say why. I “just knew” which isn’t very helpful when trying to help someone change their habits!
I’m frequently annoyed by the misuse of bring and take right here in our home. The rule is:
When you are viewing the movement of something from the point of arrival, use “bring”: “When you come to the potluck, please bring a green salad.” Viewing things from the point of departure, you should use “take”: “When you go to the potluck, take a bottle of wine.”
Filkers arrive to practice at 2. I must go get ready!