I spent Thursday night with our sweeties, saw lovely naesa briefly for a bodice fitting (thank you again!) and headed home Friday morning. We gamed with mique_mique last night and she found herself wholly converted to the Cult of the Wax Devotees.
We’re trying to get everyone loaded into the car to head to goddessinga and greyknight‘s home. real_pochacco and G are moving VERY slowly.
sambear and I aren’t exactly spry this morning—we had to sleep on our sofa bed, thanks to Mica and Moonstone, who used our bed as a litter box. They weren’t locked in the room and there were two perfectly good, clean litter boxes available for them to use. I think Moonstone was mad at us, and after he peed in the middle of the bed Mica just followed his lead. They are outside now. I will NOT have animals that do that in my house. Period. This wasn’t spraying—no, this was a HUGE puddle. We stripped off the linens, washed them, and treated the mattress heavily with Febreeze. I haven’t gone in there yet this morning to see how it smells. GRRRR!
And Shelley slept on me for the first time in quite a while. How is it that a 13- to 15-pound cat can feel SO very heavy?
G got absolutely hysterical about us tossing the cats outside and claimed we were “torturing” them. shadowkatt is off with her father’s family this weekend, so she doesn’t know yet. I expect that she won’t be happy, but she isn’t given to drama, thankfully.