1. Do you have a car? If so, what kind of car is it? Yes, I have a car. It’s a nice car that seats all 5 of us comfortably. We named her Alluna. I don’t post things about exactly what kind of vehicles we drive, including the color, due to a ‘net wacko who is out there and doesn’t need to know.
2. Do you drive very often? Not if I can avoid it. I like driving Alluna, and I don’t really mind longish trips now, but I hate traffic.
3. What’s your dream car? I don’t really have one. I’d like to have a really big, comfy van for family trips—but having had one before, I know I wouldn’t actually enjoy driving the beast or paying for the gas it would suck up.
4. Have you ever received a ticket? Yes, but not in, hmm, 5 years or so?
5. Have you ever been in an accident? Not a serious one, thankfully. A hit-and-run driver rear-ended me and the kids a couple of years ago but it didn’t do that much damage to our car or leave us with anything but soreness.