School Happy

Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. I finally got the grades from the first technical writing assignment I turned in last week, and the peer reviews I did on two of my classmates’ rough drafts.…

Date Night–Baby!

We had Chinese food together tonight, and played for a while. There was some ick, but I suspected that it was coming. The happy part is that my character’s oldest son (foster son, really) baby was born. First grandbaby! There…

SBQ: Stitching Terms/Acronyms

This week’s Stitching Bloggers Question of the Week: For seasoned stitchers: Define a stitching term or acronym for new stitchers. Gah. I don’t play in the needlework newsgroup anymore, so I don’t think in acronyms. Railroading is the only term…

Tarot for Knitters!

This is truly cool. It’s a limited edition, hand-printed “knitting tarot” deck. I learned about it via new LJ friend . They aren’t releasing many images, apparently, unless you’re a friend of theirs on Flickr. What I can see looks…

TotD: Thomas Szasz on Language

Religion and the jargon of the helping/hindering professions are comprised largely of literalized metaphors. That is why they are the perfect tools for legitimizing and illegitimizing ideas, behaviors, and persons. Ordinary language combines all of these qualities. It can be…

Adult Gaming

Sam and I just listened to “Female Characters,” episode 42 of the Game Master Show. The topic came up because Erin, one of the hosts, realized that she was willing to put female characters through some experiences that she wouldn’t…

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