This is an add-on to my post about my P-D experience. I had a really weird dream Monday night. It didn’t feel “normal weird” if that makes any sense. Something about people/avatars/light beings, cycles of the same hurts over and…
The Geek Who Understands You
This is an add-on to my post about my P-D experience. I had a really weird dream Monday night. It didn’t feel “normal weird” if that makes any sense. Something about people/avatars/light beings, cycles of the same hurts over and…
Some musings about my pan-dimensional healing experience…
Fascinating article about Rand Beers: Former Aide Takes Aim at War on Terror I got the link from Diane Duane’s blog. She talks about her writing process in Writer-In-A-Can 1: Meeting the Transcendent Pig. I had a P-D session last…
Chakra Test Results: Root: under-active (-56%) Sacral: open (13%) Navel: under-active (-6%) Heart: under-active (-25%) Throat: open (50%) Third Eye: open (13%) Crown: under-active (0%) I wouldn’t take that one very seriously at all.
A friend asked me about mercury disposal last week, so I did a net search. I found a great site that tells you how to dispose of or recycle just about anything—Earth 911. Today’s cool link—Cosmic Evolution And thank you…
This is ericdabear‘s fault.
Weekly Affirmation, as posted by keiracaitlyn: SCORPIO – OBJECTIVITY – “I objectively review current problems to uncover a more spiritual way to accept and resolve struggles of the past. My ability to focus on the bigger picture brings practical insights…
After talking about routines yesterday, I found it rather amusing that this was my Beliefnet horoscope today: SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 22): If you can keep your mind focused on the details of your routines, you’ll feel better both…
Current Music: “Holy Ground” – Wolfstone
Cynthia, your most positive energy is flowing from your Fifth Chakra This is the chakra located at the top of your throat. The fifth chakra represents honesty and truth. In your case, this chakra appears to be clear and unblocked…
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