Sunny Saturday

It’s very sunny but cold today. There was a freeze warning overnight, with very low wind chill factors.

We were predicted to have weather this past week for the second week in a row. While the rest of the Atlanta area got some ice and snow, we were fortunate enough to avoid it. We did get very cold temperatures (for Georgia) of 16° F and below 0° wind chills. Happily, I didn’t have to go out in it, though Rick did have to do so. It was what they’re calling an upside-down weather front, meaning it was colder with more snow to the south of us than to the north. Much of Florida got snow. The bird feeder has been even more popular than we anticipated!

Speaking of the bird feeder, the AI software thinks it has detected 16 species. I strongly disagree with one identification, as the bird in question looks nothing like its label (a Fish Crow). The other 15 look quite good, though. I did, however, send in feedback on that crow. I don’t know how accurate the other 15 identifications are, as I know little to nothing about birds. I can recognize a crow when I see it, though!

The Cardinals are bullies. I knew Blue Jays would be (none of those yet, thankfully), but I hadn’t seen it in Cardinals before. The app keeps a count of how often each type of bird visits. Some have only been sighted once, but the Cardinals have been identified 630 times!

The squirrels are a bit of an issue. They climb up on the feeder and gobble ’til they’re full. Birds cannot eat while they’re present. Rick occasionally goes out and tries to run them off, but they’re bold as brass. I fear he’ll soon have a BB gun for the sake of discouraging them.

I have quickly grown accustomed to the sound of birds outside my office window all day. The cats have done so, as well. There’s a storage cabinet sitting under the window. I had been accustomed to storing some things, like printer paper, on top of it. Not anymore! The cats knock down anything placed on the cabinet in their quest to see the birds. They’re also pulling down the window coverings! I may have to put more bird feeders up in locations near other windows to tempt them away.

I’m considering a gallery to show off the bird videos. They’re lovely! This is a White-breasted Nuthatch, according to the AI.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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