I got my fabric for the 2021 Peppermint Purple stitch-a-long (finally) and stitched the grid. Now I’m waiting on a shipment of thread so that I can be sure to have enough of it to finish the whole piece in one dye lot.
The post office lost the fabric for the 2022 stitch-a-long for a few days, which was really worrisome. The stuff had to come all the way from Turkey! But I filed a report and they finally found it. Now I’m stitching the grid for the 2022 stitch-a-long. I’m waiting on the thread for it, too. The supply chain breakdown is a nuisance!
I’m really, really looking forward to getting started on both projects. I’m sick right now and it would be very handy to have something to keep my hands busy. The latest report says that the vendor’s supplier is way behind, unfortunately, so I’ll have to find something else to stitch.