My one and only complaint about gaming with Sam is that I never, ever get enough. He’s just so good, and the stories are so fascinating, that I always want more! I’m just greedy, I guess. Yep, I flubbed my…
The Geek Who Understands You
My one and only complaint about gaming with Sam is that I never, ever get enough. He’s just so good, and the stories are so fascinating, that I always want more! I’m just greedy, I guess. Yep, I flubbed my…
From Perseus in the Wind by Freya Stark: If loveliness is so engaged, as I believe, in the skein of our universe, it is sad that it should be little cared for in our schools. The whole of the industrial…
I’m working on my final project for the technical writing course, which is a comparison of cohousing developments to single-family and more traditional multi-family housing. I’m finding it difficult to find any of the books I want to use as…
I finally got the grades from the first technical writing assignment I turned in last week, and the peer reviews I did on two of my classmates’ rough drafts. I got full points for all of them! I was worried…
Originally published at Enemy of Entropy. Please leave any comments there. I finally got the grades from the first technical writing assignment I turned in last week, and the peer reviews I did on two of my classmates’ rough drafts.…
We had Chinese food together tonight, and played for a while. There was some ick, but I suspected that it was coming. The happy part is that my character’s oldest son (foster son, really) baby was born. First grandbaby! There…
This week’s Stitching Bloggers Question of the Week: For seasoned stitchers: Define a stitching term or acronym for new stitchers. Gah. I don’t play in the needlework newsgroup anymore, so I don’t think in acronyms. Railroading is the only term…
This is truly cool. It’s a limited edition, hand-printed “knitting tarot” deck. I learned about it via new LJ friend . They aren’t releasing many images, apparently, unless you’re a friend of theirs on Flickr. What I can see looks…
The interview we did is up! Chronic Pain and Sex: a Couple’s Gentle Battle With Fibromyalgia I’m pleased with it. There are very few, mostly immaterial inaccuracies.
I intended to post and maybe even try to get a podcast out but ended up using my energy to do an interview with a reporter. I don’t know when the piece will come out (it wasn’t for awareness day—that…
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