Sunday, Thing-a-Day3

I did more webifying today and got all happy because I resolved a template problem. I don’t “know” PHP, as in I don’t write my own scripts. I’m learning more and more about it working with other people’s templates, and have gotten to where I can mix and match from different templates to get the effects I want. I also spent some time in MySQL, trying to clean up some of this site’s tables to make it load faster.

I also read a little, and I’m seriously trying to finish the book I’m on before diving into the delicious stack of books my sweetie brought home from the library for me. I wrapped up the week’s class assignments, too. I wanted to stitch, but I was attacked by a rogue nap.

My project management teacher released the study guide for the final, which is 3-4 weeks away (you can do it any time during week eight, and we just finished week four). Um, does anybody really study that far in advance? I’ve never been very disciplined about studying.

Sam is editing a chapter of Fledgling, which he re-recorded because he was displeased with the sound quality. He edited Square One earlier. Sorry, Hope, but I don’t think he got to record the latest chapter of Heart of the Hunter 🙁

It’s still February, right? The temperature was way up in the 70s today! It’s back down to 50 now—outside. Inside, the temp is still too hot for sleeping comfortably. Pout.

Are there any WordPress geeks reading this? I could have sworn that I saw a plug-in that allowed commenters to send a private message to a blog’s owner, sort of like having comments screened in LJ except that the owner doesn’t ever (couldn’t, as I understand it) make the “whisper” public. I can’t find such a thing in the official plugin repository at, though. Does anybody know of such a thing? I don’t want to use a comment form, because of security concerns.1All the comment plugins and forms I’ve seen use the web host to send the message, instead of the sender’s outgoing mail server, making it harder to get anything done about inappropriate messages.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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2 thoughts on “Sunday, Thing-a-Day3

  1. There’s nothing to apologize for 🙂 Heart of the Hunter is a joy to listen to, and I’ll enjoy it more knowing it was a joy to record, and not an obligation.

    Yes, I did tend to start prepping for finals weeks out. I didn’t spends hours on it – but if I spent a little time each week going over the material, I didn’t have to panic about it closer to time.

    What I know about WordPress wouldn’t fill a baby’s little fingernail, so I’m no help there. I may have to learn it, though, for a volunteer group I work with.

    It’s so tough to resist the lure of library books! The next volume of Fables is sitting right there, but I’m going to resist until I have a couple chores done.

  2. I am using cForms on my contact page. I have it set up to require that you are a human and it also sends the persons IP address when they use the form. If I get anything inappropriate I can lookup the IP address and follow up if needed.

    If you want to see what I receive when a person contacts me, use the form on my site and I will forward you the info.

    Here is a link to the plugin:

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