Ask Anyway
I just got a bill in the mail from a radiologist, wanting me to pay $29 for him reading a CT scan on my ankle last month. The bill claimed that I owe them $29. Now, my insurance co-pay is…
Poetry: Ragged Sonnet: When in a Deep Depression
Some of my friends have been in a funk lately, and I thought they might appreciate this. Ragged Sonnet: When in a Deep Depression by Leonard Nathan When in a deep depression of the self, I see on every side,…
We’re watching Dance for Camera. It’s very, very weird. I think these people are imitating bulls locking horns. Earlier they were all rolling down hills. I have little to say today that wouldn’t involve whinging, so I shouldn’t say it.…
American English Meme
Swiped from leduck.
Lots of Clothes!
Do any of you local ladies fit into size 3 or so clothing, or have girls who do? Katie is going through her closet.
Castle Quote
curiousmay9 to me: “You know you must be femme-y when you prefer to give up the quote.”
Happy Birthday!
sleepingwolf, I hope you have a day that is as wonderful as you are!
QOTD: Thomas Szasz
Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important,…
Oooohhh, Good Drugs!
Yes, I’m much better now. I managed to convince the pain management clinic that I’m not a junkie who took all her pills early, so I got a new RX for MS Contin and Robaxin. I figure it’ll take me…