I’ve never looked for the stuff myself before today, having only encountered it in letters from foreign correspondents (MANY years ago). But someone asked for it on freecycle, saying she absolutely cannot locate anyone selling it in Atlanta. So I…
The Geek Who Understands You
I’ve never looked for the stuff myself before today, having only encountered it in letters from foreign correspondents (MANY years ago). But someone asked for it on freecycle, saying she absolutely cannot locate anyone selling it in Atlanta. So I…
Yep, last night touched off not one but two posts! And I’m looking for feedback. So even if there isn’t a straight-out question, I want to hear from you. I love gaming with Sam and F (see the last post).…
sambear and I spent many hours yesterday gaming and just hanging out with a delightful friend who we don’t see nearly often enough, and her houseguest. I’ll call the houseguest R, and our friend F. I’m not identifying them more…
The Conscious Consumer and Back-to-School Shopping I realize the link is a bit late for many people, but it just came across one of my lists this morning. I have to say, one thing I do not miss is the…
I took my computer into the kitchen, cleared the table of all distractions, and sat down with my textbooks. The first mistake was opening the blinds so I could see outside. The front yard and its squads of tree-rats is…
I refuse to wear hippo sweat, no matter how good it is as a sunscreen.
New Jersey Governor Reveals He’s Gay I mean, I can understand problems due to having an affair, period. But politicians have admitted to having affairs all the time, and most of them don’t resign unless there are minors involved. It…
Really, really, bad video But what does the page say? Since the domain is in Israel, I figure it’s probably Hebrew. I don’t have the appropriate fonts installed, even if I could read it. Current Mood: 😉silly
Five of them are mutual. I’m going a bit nuts trying to figure out the other two. LJMeme.com Crush Meme Number of crushes on me so far: 7 LJ username: When I was a kid/teen, crushes were negative. 99% of…
(This is largely the same thing that I posted to nonfluffypagans earlier today. I’m not sure that some of you who would probably be interested read the community, though.) Someone forwarded Raven Grimassi’s A Call for Needfire to the Border…
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