If you piss off your IT staff, maybe you should be a bit more careful about what they can find on your hard drive. Outsourced IT staff fingered porn stash banker By Lucy Sherriff Porn-surfing bank supremo Michael Soden was…
The Geek Who Understands You
If you piss off your IT staff, maybe you should be a bit more careful about what they can find on your hard drive. Outsourced IT staff fingered porn stash banker By Lucy Sherriff Porn-surfing bank supremo Michael Soden was…
The White Mouse: World War II’s most decorated woman
I recall the Reagan years through a filter, since I was only 14 when they started. I actually got to ask him a question during a press conference once—televised on C-Span, even. (He didn’t answer the question I asked, but…
Someone kicked off the Atlanta Freecycle list for making misleading requests says she’s suing me for “liable.” I told her to have a blast. She emailed me the photo from the WHOA site along with my PO address as if…
The Lobotomized Weasel School of Writing Today’s educational establishment is making actual illiteracy look good, like an act of humanity and rebellion. Writing, which ought to nurture and give shape to thought, is instead being used to pound it into…
Wildcat’s owner seeks its return The lynx is Buckhead is owned by a licensed breeder of exotic cats who lives and works in the Buckhead area. The breeder says that a tree damaged Sasquatch’s cage, allowing him to escape. See,…
Lynx on the loose in Buckhead Really. They’ve got photos. No, shadowkatt, we are not going to Buckhead to meet it 🙂
Well-written, too. I have no real interest in contemporary Christian music, but I read the entire article. My Faith Is In The Rock And My Name Is On The Roll Blurb from The Revealer, which is what led me to…
I’m supposed to write a hard news story this week (but can’t do any investigative journalism ’til later in the semester). I think I’m going to use the story about the autistic child who was refused access to a public…
I actually functioned for a day on my own, nobody driving me around or anything. Without taking a second dose of Provigil. Well, I needed one, but forgot to take it early enough that it wouldn’t keep me up all…
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