I Made It!

I actually functioned for a day on my own, nobody driving me around or anything. Without taking a second dose of Provigil. Well, I needed one, but forgot to take it early enough that it wouldn’t keep me up all night.

I’m hurting badly because I won’t take my stronger pain meds if I’m going to be driving. Unfortunately, the stress of driving and just being out and about makes me need them more. It’s one of those Catch-22 situations.

On the happy side, I got through both my classes. I’m really enjoying them, thanks to the professor. He’s great—and cute. So there’s happiness! The first class, “Business Communications,” is something I really should have been able to comp somehow based on life experience. If I’m going to have to sit through learning to write business letters, at least I have eye candy. Eye candy with a great sense of humor is even better.

He’s also really supportive of the whole disability thing. He looked somewhat shocked when I handed him the letter. I’m curious about that, but it’s unlikely that I’ll ask about it. He was very sweet, though.

I got some errands run, but one of the reasons I’m hurting so much is that Sam’s Club had no scooters available. I needed to pick up a couple of prescriptions there, and they said it would just be 20 minutes. They didn’t have a place to sit down, so I elected to wander slowly, with a buggy for support. It took more like an hour. Combined with exhaustion from driving and just being around so many people, it was too much. I expect a crash tomorrow, though I hope it doesn’t happen.

One of those extroverted-introvert things: I’m all charged up after good classes. I feel like dancing, and don’t want them to end. (Hmm—I wonder if providing horribly uncomfortable seating is actually a deliberate act on the school’s part? Because NOBODY is going to spend longer than they must in those chairs.)

Later, though, I crash and need alone time (or time with just my household) to recharge.

sambear is working on his novel. I’ve been doing nothing, really. Several hours of nothing. Well, reading email and LJ, taking care of list moderation. But just being here, at home, with Sam in the room and Katie and curiousmay9 nearby, is what I needed. I’m home.

Current Mood: 🙂content
Current Music: Sam typing, fan blowing, Shelley trying to tunnel through the door
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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