It’s Wednesday Already?

sambear acted as chauffeur and patient advocate for curiousmay9 all day yesterday. I do mean ALL DAY. They left by 9, I believe, and didn’t get home ’til early evening.

Our poor Leo has mononucleosis. She kept pushing herself instead of resting, so now her spleen is more enlarged than would normally be expected with mono (visible from the outside, seriously), and HURTS. A CAT scan shows spots on her liver, so she will be going to see a specialist tomorrow.

Katie has shown some signs of mono, but if she has it it is a far milder case. Her tests were negative, but the doctor said there’s at least a one-week period during which she would still test negative if she has been exposed.

We’re shopping for a new general practitioner for the Leo as her doctor of 12 years dismissed her complaints as “not serious enough to miss work for” without ever even looking at the lab results! (I am VERY angry. She’ll be angrier when she has regained her normal energy levels.)

One change is that she is on an enforced NO EXERCISE routine. That includes absolutely no contact sports for the next 6-8 months, so she’s had to leave her dojo. She may attempt to begin instruction at the one Katie attends, which is much less vigorous in many ways. (I know there’s no way the woman will stick to “no exercise” for more than two weeks if that long.)

I adore our GP (thanks again to walkingbear for the referral!) but she’s further away from our current home than curiousmay9 prefers. I can understand that.

So curiousmay9 is at home on leave for at least two weeks, during which time we will TRY to keep her RESTING. Resting does not come naturally to this woman. I can’t really explain what a dynamo she is!

sambear is exhausted and sleeping. I’m a bit worried about him, as he was sweating terribly despite the A/C and fans blowing in the bedroom. I woke him just long enough to get some water into him. He said he’s had mono before. He thinks. I know that I had it, as I missed two weeks of school and was too tired to read for the first time in my life.

We’ve moved the regularly scheduled visit from the maids to next week, hoping that the contagious period will be over by then.

They did do a run by Harry’s on the way home yesterday. curiousmay9 brought home cherries, two kinds of grapes, oranges, tangelos, apples, bananas, plums, apricots, cantaloupe, grapefruit, and other produce that I can’t recall at the moment. I’ve never had fresh cherries before. They are delicious and could be addictive.

My indoor plants are thriving. The roses Sam bought for me last week have opened fully and smell beautiful.

Katie is out planting more veggies in the garden. We’re planning to put the roses out front with a trellis, so we can have a nice seating area there. We’re going to put the herbs in containers so they can be moved inside when the first frost hits. Suggestions as to flowers, herbs, fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. that grow well here are appreciated. We have a lot of full sun areas, a fair amount of full shade in the front, and a nice piece of partially shaded ground (it’s a BIG yard).

We MUST get a freezer. New ones are more expensive than we can really afford at the moment, and the scratch-n-dent and used appliance places don’t happen to have any available. If anyone has one you don’t want, we’ll be more than happy to give it a good home!

Current Mood: 🙂cheerful
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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