We took shadowkatt back to the doctor again today. All her lab tests were pretty normal. She’s still extremely fatigued and is in more and more pain, though. We think there’s a combination of virus (as curiousmay9 has the fatigue/throat too), an allergic reaction to SOMETHING, and possibly fibromyalgia getting more significant.
The doctor ordered chest x-rays, an echocardiogram, and genetic screening tests as well. She reduced one medicine and added another, still seeking the right combination to help the girl with her sleep.
The doctor is investigating the possibility of Marfan Syndrome. I’ve never heard of anyone in our family having it, but I don’t know about her paternal lines and my family hasn’t ever been good about getting good health care.
After the various tests results are in, the doctor will refer shadowkatt to an orthopedic doctor to check out her extremely hypermobile joints. They’re popping out of place more and more, which is painful. The poor kid fell this morning when her knee suddenly popped out of place!
I’m hoping to get a referral to a physical therapist who can start working with Katie on building up the right muscles to better support her joints. Learning what she needs to do that won’t hurt her more, but will work, will be a good start.