
sambear: “For pagans, we sure do have a lot of Christmas stuff.”
technomom: “Okay, I’ll re-label the boxes to say ‘Yule.'”

Actually, it’s bothering me that shadowkatt didn’t get an Easter basket this year. Yeah, I know—she’s 13. She hasn’t said anything about it. It isn’t a religious holiday we observe. But really—what do Easter baskets and candy have to do with the Christian stuff for most people?

We’ll just have a Pagan Sugar High celebration soon to make up for it. Mebbe we can figure out Goddess candy molds or something.

We’re about to leave with a truckload of stuff. I’ll be driving ToD, since my legs fit better than sambear‘s do. shadowkatt‘s long legs have to be tossed over Sam’s lap, though, or we don’t all fit. It’s quite an interesting picture. I’m glad things are cooling down outside because we’re going to be using that good ol’ 260 air conditioning.

I just figured out a creative solution to a furniture placement conundrum posed to me by curiousmay9. Yay!

Current Mood: 🙁drained
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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