Actual Personal Update!

Yes, I have been a posting whore in the last few days, but I haven’t said much that’s personal since Monday. Perhaps you’ve been relieved?

Let’s see: I was informed on Monday that Floyd College had not only dropped the two classes I’d asked to drop, but ALL the classes I had there—including that World Lit class that I’ve been working so hard on. (sigh) Apparently, that one was the professor’s fault, so Floyd’s staff is still a shining example of efficiency—especially since they got me re-enrolled in under 24 hours.

That does, at least, explain the problem with the registrar’s office at SPSU telling my student loan financier that I was no longer enrolled at least half time.

The SPSU financial aid office says they are still waiting for “guidance” from the federal student aid office about who gets to decide whether or not I’m “disabled” for student aid purposes. Apparently, they have NEVER had the issue come up before. That seems odd, but I suppose it isn’t TOO surprising at this school.

I’ve switched to using Mozilla and Firefox as my main browsers because of IE’s inability to parse the CSS in the S2 Haven style that I’m using. I still have to use IE to get into WebCT for my online course, but I’m moving away from it as much as I can. Yes, sambear, you may crow with self-righteousness now.

I’m not sleeping well. Ultram, which is the pain reliever I take four times a day, interferes with sleep and sleeping meds. I’m going to talk to my doc about something else that I can take at bedtime, as well as something stronger to use during flares.

I did one of my two presentations for the semester in my psych/religion class yesterday, impromptu. It went VERY well, and I’ll talk about it more fully later.

I almost forget—SPSU is actually starting a pre-law program. I’m going to try to attend the orientation in a few weeks. It would require a slight change in my major (BS to BA, same department, different sub-focus), but might be worthwhile. I have been toying with the notion of law school, although I have no idea what KIND of law I’d want to practice.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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