Weekend Report/PDA Nuisance

Okay, so I’m writing more despite not being rested. I couldn’t get to sleep when I tried to nap earlier. I think I could now, but I have to pick shadowkatt up from the dance studio and fetch sambear from Honorable Client’s place later. I’m afraid that if I do lay down, I won’t get up again on time.

Saving this so I can find it later: Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono

My little brother is getting married sometime this summer. Daddy called and asked if it was okay for Brother to call me. I said that’s fine as long as he’s civil. No call yet, but we’ll see.

Now my PDA isn’t keeping time properly. I reset the time on Friday, and it’s 2.5 hours fast now. I also have to push and hold it in its cradle in a very precise position in order to sync it, which is annoying (and the problem they didn’t fix when I sent it back last time). This thing has already been back to Palm for repair four times! This time they’re supposed to be sending me a replacement BEFORE I send them mine. This is utterly insane, though, so Sam actually called the PalmOne CEO’s office today. We’ll see what happens.

Edit: They just called me back to say that they don’t have any M130s available to send me. This is ridiculous. Yes, we will be talking to the corporate office tomorrow.

We had a lovely visit from faebouche this weekend. I didn’t see as much of her as I’d like, as I was at GaFilk. It was good to meet her primary partner on Sunday, too (does he have an LJ?). I left before they were up this morning, driving sambear to work and retrieving shadowkatt from a friend’s house where she’d spent the weekend. They had to leave before we got back home, so shadowkatt missed seeing them and is quite disappointed.

I stitched lots and lots on the new design while at the con. I’m correcting the pattern as I stitch it—sort of QA for cross-stitch. I’m having crazy thoughts, though, of doing a series of pieces that each feature one verse of the song. It’s an incredible song. Yes, I’m probably insane. I think I’m going to do it, though.

This was my first time to attend GaFilk —indeed, to attend any con other than DragonCon. I didn’t expect to be able to go and wasn’t registered in advance, but it was a lovely surprise.

I really enjoyed making music, seeing old friends and meeting new ones. My head is full of songs I heard and song, story, and pattern ideas. I wrote half of my first filk and the rest of it is brewing. I missed hearing filkerdave‘s Liaden filk, Tree and Dragon. (I don’t know him, but had read about the song on the Liaden Universe mailing list.)

Mary Crowell is incredible! I hadn’t heard her before and really enjoyed her “tirch songs” (torch filk). Echo’s Children are even better in person than on their recordings—although catsittingstill was obviously in much pain all weekend due to a back problem. Three Weird Sisters did some lovely pieces. I absolutely loved the new and old pieces from mrpsyklops!

I stayed up all Saturday night singing and enjoying the company of delightful people. I was even treated to breakfast by a sexy man—who picked me up! I mean that very literally—apparently, that’s the way this gentleman hugs. Something about being picked up easily makes me feel all feminine and lovely.

There were lots more, but my brain still isn’t working very well.

I abused my body shamefully by getting very little sleep and ingesting WAY too much caffeine. (Surprisingly, I didn’t have any junk food—it just doesn’t interest me anymore.)

I definitely want to go again next year, and sambear and shadowkatt want to attend as well. I wonder what next year’s dates are?

Sounds fun: Alpha, the Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Workshop for Young Writers
Heck, I want to go! I love Tamora Pierce. Unfortunately, I’m well beyond the 14-19 age range.

Current Mood: 😴tired
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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