Page Layout/Designs

So I’m trying to do SOMETHING productive—anything. I did run the dishwasher today and moved the laundry forward. Not much, but something.

I’ve graphed some queer pride motifs as cross-stitch charts. I want to put them all in one “book” that’ll be printed to an Adobe Acrobat file. I got it pretty much as I wanted it in Word after much hassle, but Acrobat didn’t like the fact that some pages were portrait and some were landscape.

I know, Word is NOT a page layout program. I should go ahead and learn to use PageMaker. I’m not feeling particularly confident about learning new things at the moment, though. I could do what I want in HTML in no time at all, but that doesn’t print very well, and patterns just aren’t as useful to people unless they print nicely.

I’m also not certain that I’ve got the graphs large enough to be easily readable when printed, which is an issue. So I’m still tweaking that, too.

The only thing I’m not all tickled about with PatternMaker is the way it handles text. One of the other design programs is supposed to be able to use any TrueType font, and PatternMaker KINDA does it. But they aren’t terribly readable when you’re done. For instance, I’d like to find a nice script font for a sampler, and I haven’t found one that’s standard in PM that works, and using the ones installed on my system isn’t working right either (I am a certified Font Junkie. There are LOTS of fonts installed.) I could technically make new Patternmaker font files, but doing say takes sitting down and manually graphing every upper and lower-case letter as well as numbers and symbols. I don’t have that much patience. I tried searching to see if anyone has created some and posted them on a website, but came up empty.

I promised Sam that I’d eat something for lunch while he was gone. I just can’t remember what it was.

Current Mood: 😡grumpy
Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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