Fall Semester

I’m registered for fall classes—yay! I’m taking them all in my major area, and I’m going to try (again) to take a full load. The courses are:
Foundations of Technical Communications
Foundations of Graphics
Fundamentals of Website Design
Medical Communications

I have a background in health insurance claims management and medical transcription, so I’m hoping that will give me a leg up on the medical communications course. I’ve done lots of website design so that shouldn’t be too hard. I feel like I need the Foundations of Graphics course soonest, because a lot of stuff in other courses assumes you’ve already had it. (I’ve long described myself as “graphically impaired.”)

I’m not honestly sure how the Foundations of Technical Communications course differs from the technical writing course I had for the summer semester, but apparently, it does. There’s no description in the catalog for last year, and this year’s catalog isn’t out yet.

Wouldn’t you think that the fall catalog would be out before fall registration begins? I certainly would.

Anyway, I have one professor for three classes and another for the fourth. I haven’t met either of them, as they weren’t teaching this summer.

My advisor did say that the summer professor had told him I’m “extremely sharp” so I guess I couldn’t have had too bad a grade in that course.

I don’t like taking courses in the evenings, because I want to be home when sambear is there. I couldn’t really avoid it this time though, so I’ll be there two nights a week and have day courses two days a week. But no classes at all on Fridays!

All four courses are listed as “Hybrid courses—less than half of instruction will take place online.” It’s an experiment, but I’m hoping it goes well and we don’t have to meet physically too often.

Cyn is Rick's wife, Katie's Mom, and Esther & Oliver's Mémé. She's also a professional geek, avid reader, fledgling coder, enthusiastic gamer (TTRPGs), occasional singer, and devoted stitcher.
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